Monday, February 22, 2010

Fox 4 News

My job was on the news today, so I was on the news today! I have a number of police officers in the weight management group I teach. One of which is friends with a news reporter. She took interest in him because he lost 88 pounds and she didn't recognize him! Fox 4 News ran a story on three of the officers in my group, who have lost 88, 50 and 40 pounds! It was really cool to hear them talk about how much the program has helped them! Even though I just facilitate the group (I did not develop the program), they all think their success is a direct result of me and the program! Now talk about some job satisfaction!

Check it out at (video named "Program keeps unwanted weight off).

My biggest complaint: even though the news reporter interviewed the Assistant Director of the program, they did not have her on the news, nor did they really talk about the program in reference to the Weight Control Research Program at KU. They focused on the Kansas City Police Officers....I wished they would've talked about the actual program a bit!

Anyway, I can be seen on the news "working with my participants in a counseling setting".
It was so cool to see my participants on the news!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go!!! You should be proud of your accomplishments!!
